About Me
Get ready to take control of your content.
Hi! I’m Emily Byrne, a Marketing Manager, with years of Marketing experience, specialising in Content Creation and Social Media Management and working with clients on a Freelance basis, outside of my day job. Way back in 2018 I graduated from the University of Leeds, with an English Literature & Theatre Studies degree. Since then, I have worked in Marketing for six years, working in the Technology sector for over four of these years.
I’m the Marketing Manager for a solar energy company, responsible for the Marketing Plan and Budget, all content management, social media management, copywriting, event management, PR management - you name it - I’ve probably got a say in it! The environment and nature have always been huge passions of mine, and there’s little that upsets me more than climate change. I love using my skills to do my bit for the planet and shout the renewable energy cause from the rooftops of London, and world-wide!
Scribbles & Sass is the result of years of working in Marketing and with clients on a freelance basis outside of working hours in industries including but not limited to; Technology, E-commerce, Retail, Music, Construction and Sustainability. After having my daughter, Elsie (who has just turned 2!) and completing my studies for my Level 6 CIM Diploma in Marketing: Marketing & Digital Strategy, I’ve finally decided to take the next step in my career, get myself a website and put my work and services out there officially. I work four days a week, so would love to devote one day a week and evenings to freelance projects once again!